Scrum is a framework for more uncertain complex projects. This approach is well known in the technology area and is usually used in agile software development projects.

Scrum is a set of practices, values and principles, which can be applied in different ways, according to the reality of each project, team or organization. Therefore, Scrum must be understood as a working model, not as a process.

In general, Scrum is based on successive and usually monthly development cycles, called sprints. At the beginning of each sprint, the team defines which project functionalities listed in the product backlog will be prioritized. According to its capacity, the team defines which functionalities should be implemented during that cycle.

The team meets daily to align project activities and identify work obstacles. At the end of the sprint, the product developed is presented to those involved in the project for feedback. Based on this, the team plans for the next cycle, while prioritizing new functionalities and reviewing the work process, if required.

Why use Scrum?

Meeting the market demands in an agile way has always been a differential for companies. However, being agile and anticipating the delivery of value to the customer has never been more important for dynamic markets such as technology.

Companies that want to enter the digital world can benefit from the Scrum approach. With shorter development cycles, the company can re-establish priorities for the functionalities of its product more frequently and meet market needs quickly.

Scrum events

The Scrum approach has the following set of essential concepts:


These are the cycles in which the project is developed. Sprints are successive, lasting two to four weeks.

Sprint Planning

Sprint planning meeting in which the team defines which product backlog functionalities (list of desired functionalities) should be prioritized, details such functionalities, and defines which ones should actually be implemented in this cycle.

Daily Scrum

Daily meeting that is usually quick, in which the development team’s activities are aligned, acquired knowledge is shared, and work obstacles are resolved.

Sprint Review

Meeting held at the end of a sprint, in which the implemented functionalities are presented to stakeholders and feedback is collected.

Sprint Retrospective

Retrospective meeting at the end of a sprint, in which the team reviews the work process and, in general, defines improvements for the next sprint.

Scrum team

A Scrum team is composed of the following specific professional profiles: Product Owner, Scrum Master and Development Team. A Scrum team is also called a squad.

The Scrum Master is the professional who ensures that everyone complies with the Scrum values and practices, helps the team to solve problems, and increases performance over time.

The Product Owner is the team’s point of contact with project stakeholders. Her/ his main responsibility is to define which functionalities of the product backlog are a priority.

The Development Team is a multifunctional, self-managed team responsible for designing, building and testing the product. It usually consists of designers, engineers, programmers, architects, quality professionals, among others.

The main objective is for the team, or squad, to self-organize to deliver each sprint. All team members have the required skills, regardless of their role, to perform the expected tasks without asking for insight from professionals from other teams in the organization.

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